Affiliate Marketing Success Stories That Will Knock Your Socks Off

4 min readOct 30, 2020

I’ve gathered some affiliate marketing success stories

It reminds me of the story that Bob Proctor loves to talk about. These affiliate marketing success stories are the same thing. I wanted to get everyone inspired into the New Year by sharing my little success story. I’m writing this article so it gives people hope that all the work you’re putting now will eventually pay off if you don’t give up.

I want to start by discussing my smaller success with a new site since this will probably resonate with many of the newbies. In 2017, I decided to start a totally new site that had nothing to do with WA or making money online. To be honest, I was a little burned out with the make money niche and I wanted to be able to expand. I also wanted to prove to myself I could do it again in a new niche.

Things were plugging away but I was not seeing the results I was so accustomed to experiencing with my make money site. Because I already had a successful site making money which was a direct result of applying what WA teaches.

So why should this new site be any different?

Maybe all the haters were right when they claimed that only people promoting WA or the make money niche were making money. So I had to leave it alone for a few months when it was just starting to get some momentum. Most of my pages were ranking on the second page of Google which is basically no mans land.


I was finally seeing traffic and the pages started to make me some money. I went back to the articles that were ranking and added more ways to monetize my pages. Because I knew there are more ways to make money on your site outside of selling things. So a couple of things should be noted here.

On paper, this may not seem like a lot of money made in 2018 for this new site. So the reality is this income only represents a few later months in the year when the traffic and income picked up. The total gross income would be significantly greater. And this is why I expect that in 2019 I should be able to double or triple 2018’s gross income for this site.

It wasn’t limited to sites promoting WA. My new site has nothing to do with making money. I’m following the same things I do with my make money site but covering a different topic and niche. I had to be reminded that Google won’t reward your site with traffic for months down the line.

Most people would stop writing content after a few months after not seeing any results. Articles I wrote in 2017 and early 2018 finally started ranking well in the fall of 2018. If I would have just written a few articles, stopped and waited Google may have decided we won’t be ranking this site.

Where’s the $100k?

Well as I mentioned earlier I have my main site which is where most of my money is currently made at the moment. I expect my new site will eventually take over most of the income or match it. It came from display ads and CPA offers I promoted on my sites. Ultimately what you need to understand is a site can make money without selling anything.

Half-Ass Job

That basically involves re-investing some money earned from my sites and job into content development. Fortunately there are tons of writers out there who will gladly write articles for you. Now these folks do the heavy lifting of writing the content for my sites.

Leveling Up!

The great thing about outsourcing some of your business work like writing content, is the process is scalable. As one person you only have so much time in the day to write articles and do the things you need to do in your normal life. But when you have writers you can hire, they can write for any new niche sites you may want to start. I plan to do this in 2019 by having writers work on additional niche sites I have or want to start.

I’ll just keep taking a portion of the income I earn from one site and use it to fund the content development of another site.

Wrapping It Up

So after looking at the numbers, 2018 was a great year for my business. It re-affirmed to me that WA still works regardless of the niche. This business really has to be treated like a farm. You have to put in the work now to harvest the results which may come months or even a year later.

The only difference between people who are successful and those who are not is that successful people continue to try when others call it quits. Well if you’ve been reading this article carefully, you’ll notice I’ve strategically linked to many resources that will can help you achieve the same success I did in 2018. Hopefully this article has inspired you and given you some things to think about. Again this article isn’t about me.




I'm a passionate to learn new things, fun loving, adventurous, positive thinker, motivation speaker, Career, love and happy family life.